We’ve moved into March and things are definitely beginning to pick up pace in time for the new season.
Current restrictions – we have had an update today in that ‘non-contact’ activity for both Adults and U18s is allowed from Friday 12th March 2021, however we are still awaiting some clarifying details around numbers (does it include coaches/volunteers), travel to clubs out with your Local Authority area (especially if you are an adult) and preparing clubs/centres/boats for the season ahead. There has also been some clarification around travelling to your boat if it is outside your local authority area to undertake ‘essential maintenance’ only. We will update the RYA Scotland guidance as soon as we have further clarity.
These new ‘easing of restrictions’ are around organised sport and physical activity only and we should continue to follow the Scottish Government’s advice from 5th January to ‘Stay at Home’. Information on the further ‘easing of restrictions’ is to be publicised on 16th March 2021 and once again we will update you as soon as we know about any changes.
Connect 2021
We have re-started the Connect sessions for 2021 and we are looking at hosting a number of options over the coming months on every 3rd Wednesday at 7.30pm (from 17th March 2021).
Our next session on 17th March is on ‘Getting Your Facilities fit for Sport’ and will touch on what can be done around planning to ‘reopen your facilities’ for the new season. The session will once again be delivered in conjunction with sportscotland and we will be looking to record the conversation so that it can be used as a future resource. If you would like to book a place at the session then please use this link.
We would also like to draw your attention to a couple of other exciting things that your organisation may be able to get involved in:
Cruising Conference – 21st March
This online event has a packed schedule to interest regular and novice cruisers alike. The keynote speaker – Skip Novak of Pelagic Expeditions – will start the day with a talk on “How excelling in basic boating skills can enable you to accomplish your cruising dreams”. This, along with a variety of sessions on Current Hot topics and breakout sessions covering Electronics, Weather and Tides (to name but a few) will provide cruisers, new and seasoned, with a variety of great information. Further details on the agenda can be found here. Places are free for RYA Members and just £10pp for non-members. Tickets will allow you access to not only the live speaker sessions but also to the Exhibition Area where you will be able to visit virtual stands and chat with RYA experts. You can also learn more about the current trends in the cruising world by watching the pre-recorded presentations and videos. Register to book your online place here.
RYA Volunteer Awards
Although it has been a crazy year, we at the RYA are looking for nominations for individuals that deserve to be recognised through the Volunteer Awards. The closing date for nominations is 2nd April 2021 at 5pm and this year we are looking for nominations for a wide variety of volunteers who assist in making our sport happen.
Find out more information on the Award Categories and Nomination Criteria here and to make a nomination, please complete this form before 2nd April 2021.
RYA Scotland Strategic Review
Once again, we will be looking for the views of the boating community around the strategic review of RYA Scotland’s current strategy and planning for the new 2022-25 Strategic Plan. Unfortunately, we will not be able to do the ‘road-trips’ that we undertook in 2016 prior to the 2017-21 plan, however there will be a variety of ways to get involved including on-line sessions and surveys. More information will be available soon and we hope you will get involved to help shape the future direction of our organisation.
Instructor Demand Survey
The RYA has sent a survey in regards to instructor demand to all Recognised Training Centres. Please check with your Training Principal to see if the survey has been completed. If you need any further information or the link resending then please get in touch.
Camping – Guidance on Managing Camping
We thought we would share some information from the National Access Forum around guidance on managing (issues) camping with tents, particularly in accessible roadside settings. A document has been updated for those involved in local visitor management and reflects the experience during 2020 and to help prepare for the anticipated exit from Lockdown in Spring 2021. Further information may be found here
We look forward to catching up with you all soon,
Take care and stay safe!
The Development Team, aka Robin, Georgia & Liza