RYA Racing Books


We have a wide selection of print books and eBooks to support all levels of sail racing, from the basic rules books to more detailed explanations of each rule, cutting edge interactive eBooks, case books, tactics, and coaching.

Why Choose RYA Rules Books

RYA rule books are the only publications available that contain the RYA's National Prescriptions which are variations to certain areas of the rules and essential for racing in UK waters.

The RYA Racing Books Range

The simplified summary list of our racing books below will give you an indication of our current range and the format in which they are available; the links will take you to more detailed descriptions of the books or eBooks. This will be updated as new books become available, so check back regularly.

Rules Books

Basic Rules:

The Full Racing Rules of Sailing:

Interactive & Integrated Racing Rules and Cases linking eBook:

Detailed Explanation of Rules:

Other Racing Books

Starting to Race:

Solent Racing:


Cruiser Racing:

Case & Call Books:

  • The RYA Case Book is included as a free eBook in the RYA Books app and within the Interactive eBook in the World Sailing App.
  • The rules, case books, call books and associated documents for 2021-2024 are included as free eBooks and within the interactive Integrated eBook in the World Sailing App.

Race Training & Coaching (eBook only):

Free Guidance Books

  • RYA Racing Rules Guidance – included in the World Sailing App.
  • Contains general guidance; guidance primarily for race officials; and the RYA rules disputes procedures.
  • RYA Race Management Guide – included in the World Sailing App
  • Highlights best practice and acts as an aide memoir for race officers and those involved in race management.

For more guidance and supporting information on the Racing Rules of Sailing themselves visit this dedicated area www.rya.org.uk/racing/rules.