Marine Planning

The RYA is representing boating interests as the development of UK marine plans progresses.

Marine planning aims to ensure a sustainable future for our coastal and offshore waters, through managing and balancing the many activities, resources and assets in our marine environment.

It follows a similar approach to terrestrial planning; setting the direction for decision making at a local level to lead to efficient and sustainable use of marine resources.

RYA wants to achieve

  • Marine plans which protect and enhance recreational boating facilities.

RYA position

We support the development of marine plans in principle, where they provide clarity on decision making in the coastal zone and reduce uncertainty. 

However, marine plans should not increase regulatory burdens on the maintenance or improvement of recreational boating facilities and should ensure that existing activity is protected from development proposals.


The RYA together with RYA Cymru-Wales, RYA Scotland and RYA Northern Ireland has been engaging closely with the devolved governments in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to influence the marine planning process. The RYA has, and will continue to, engage directly with the MMO in England to ensure recreational boating remains a key consideration.

The RYA is working to ensure that no marine plan policies restrict boating or discourage the development of improved facilities and access.

Useful links