These RYA guides aim to help you navigate the planning process so you can carry out work at your club more easily.
When planning to do works, it is important that coastal or inland clubs and waterside facilities identify the relevant development and environmental consents needed. It is also necessary to think about the process to be followed including timescale, costs and what supporting information is needed to optimise your prospects.
Every development proposal and sailing facility is unique, each government agency does things differently and each local authority has its own particular policy approach to issues. In other words, the planning process is a minefield and there is a lot to consider when putting together a planning application.
RYA Guides to Planning & Environmental Regulations
The complexity of the consenting process can often put people off so the RYA, together with Town Planning Services, has put together a set of detailed guides that should act as a one stop shop to take you through the planning process in the UK.
Specifically tailored guides have been developed for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland so that you can be sure to get advice that is relevant to your country. Available only to members, affiliated clubs and training centres, the guides cover the main areas of the planning process that are likely to affect you and your works. Please email for a copy.
For those carrying out developments, the guides will also help identify the permissions and consents that you may need and how best to approach the various processes. These might include larger proposals such as a new club house or boat storage, or smaller works such as car parking, fencing and security lights for example.
The guides also provide advice on other aspects of the planning process, such as commenting on development proposals by others that might affect your club, or making representations to new planning policies that may be prepared.
Whilst we hope these guides will answer most of your questions, there will always be case specific queries that they may not be able to address. If you need any further information, please contact the RYA Planning & Environment Team on .
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