London and South East blog July 2023

Here's this month's update from our Regional Development Officer Steve Mitchell...
12 Jul 23
Discover Sailing Littleton SC 739x432

Please keep up to date with news and events in our region on Facebook.

Together on Water – the new RYA Strategy

The RYA’s new strategy Together on Water celebrates the passion and benefits of being on the water and puts the creation of a safe and welcoming environment for everyone at the heart of what we do. Find out more about it.

2023 RYA Regional Junior Championships

Our recent Regional Junior Championships, windsurfers at Datchet and dinghies at Queen Mary, were a great success, with young sailors from a good spread of clubs saying they’d had an amazing time. Read the report

LSE RJC 2023

Summer regattas

We’re into regatta time. Please look out for and get involved in the following youth events which create more summer activities for our kids and create opportunities to progress from club sailing:

National Schools Sailing Association Youth Regatta - 23 July

Kent Schools Sailing Association Regatta at Whitstable - 16 September

West Sussex Schools and Youth Sailing Association Regatta - 17-18 September

KSSA regatta 2022 winners

Photo - last year's Kent Schools Sailing Association Regatta winners

And for the grown-ups:

Ramsgate Week - 6-11 August 

Women’s keelboat sailing

Congratulations to Queen Mary Sailing Club on its successful programme to introduce more women to keelboat sailing with a women's keelboat day followed by RYA Level 1 and 2 keelboat courses and a women's keelboat racing day.

Instructor training programme

We’re starting to see the benefits of the ongoing programme to train more young instructors in London with some of the first participants now qualified and starting to work as instructors. The programme continues under the management of the AHOY Centre.

Onboard instructor resources training days

Around 30 instructors have so far attended these training days, which we’ve opened up to both OnBoard, and in the hope of attracting others into the fold, not currently OnBoard providers. More are planned so keep an eye on our regional Facebook and Twitter, and providing the interest is there we’ll continue them next year.

Defibrillator funding 

Each year I get several enquiries from clubs and centres about installing defibrillators. The government is providing a £1m fund for this and inviting community organisations to apply, find out more.

Senior Instructor courses

Is your club short of Dinghy Senior Instructors? Then please register for one of the following courses:

Bewl Water Outdoor Centre - 15/16 and 22/23 July

Queen Mary Sailing Club - 7/8 and 14/15 October

LSE Instructor training day 

News roundup

Here are our main news stories from June:

Discovering sailing at buzzing Tamesis

Discovering sailing at Littleton SC

Keelboat racing whatever your level

Share your stories

We’re always looking out for stories like those above to pop on our web site and send to your local media, and snippets (two or three sentences) to promote your events or show what you’ve been doing, with photos (landscape format) and links. Or why not send us a short video (15-100 seconds, landscape format) done in one take on your ‘phone to share on our social media. All should have some RYA/regional connection. Other clubs can enjoy your achievements and benefit from your experience. Send us your story.