We are bringing you a series of rules events to get you thinking about the rules and get better for your winter series.
Denis Todd, Regional Rules Advisor will run two rules talks, one at Strangford Lough Yacht Club and one at Carrickfergus Sailing Club, which will be a discussion around scenarios over a drink.
Chris Lindsay, International Umpire, Judge and member of RYA and World Sailing judging and umpire committees will bring us through two webinars. One about how to win a protest and one about how Chris’ career has taken him to umpire Sail GP.
7th Oct
SLYC, 1700-1730(ish).
12th Oct, CSC 1930
25th Oct, Online 1930
1st Nov, Online 1930
Booking for the above is all free, but please let us know if you are coming. Find booking information here:
If rules float your boat, you might be interested in the RYA official's training. Lots of the courses are now offered online. We already have several NI people attending the online judge’s course in November, why not join us?