Return to Boating Update

19 Jun 20

Following the First Ministers announcement today, 19th June 2020, there has been a further easing of restrictionswithin the red phase in Wales.

We continue to work closely with colleagues in othergoverning bodies, Sport Wales, Welsh Sports Association, Visit Wales and WelshGovernment officials to understand and clarify  the new and future guidance that wasannounced today. 

The current travel restrictions are to continue, meaning youneed to stay local and travel generally up to 5 miles to access exercise, however if conditions allow, these restrictions will lift on July 6th.Additionally, potential overnight stays on boats, within the same household,will be allowed from July 13th onwards.

The RYA Cymru Wales Return to Boating in Wales: GeneralGuidance will be updated and a notification sent to Affiliated Clubs andRecognised Training Centres earliest opportunity via email and our social mediachannels. 

I would like to take the opportunity to invite you to ourReturn to Boating and Commercial Centre Catch up forums this coming week, asappropriate.

Information and further details of how to book can be found  at the bottom of the RYA Return to Boating in Wales.  

For further details of todays announcement by Welsh Government.

Keep Safe and Keep Well

Gerwyn Owen, RYA Cymru Wales, CEO