RYA North East blog - September 2023

All the latest news for clubs and centres from RYA North East and Regional Development Officer Adam McGovern...
19 Sep 23

Graphic banner for RYA Connected event with sub heading Share.Learn.Grow and picture framed in a circle of three women sailing in a dinghy.

As the season changes from summer to autumn we’re looking ahead to our next big event – RYA Connected. This is the new name for our annual knowledge-sharing gathering for clubs and this year there will be one big event for the whole of the North region.

This will be at the Anderton Centre in Chorley on Saturday 18 November 2023, which is just off the M61 and hopefully accessible to a large part of the region - including Yorkshire and the North East via the M62 and routes such as the A59 - with journey times within one to two hours for many. It’s also a beautiful part of the world in Lancashire’s very own ‘mini lake district’ for anyone who wants to make a weekend of it.

We’ll have speakers from clubs as well as from the RYA and it will be a great opportunity to network and catch up with key experts. Designed to appeal to a wider audience this year, RYA Connected is for anyone involved with running activities at their club, whether that’s committee members, training centres based within clubs, volunteers, racing officials or Sailability groups.

There will be lots of workshops, forums and discussions covering every topic from recreational sailing to legal so there will be something for everyone and anyone and I’m hoping to see lots of you there, as it will be bigger and better than ever. Bookings are now open for RYA Connected

Club gathering

I appreciate that from the far north east of the region in particular, however, that our RYA Connected event may be a bit too far to travel on this occasion, so I am also organising a light version to be hosted by a club in the Newcastle area.

This will be a gathering for clubs on Saturday 2 December 2023, when you will be able to meet the regional team and we’ll be sharing some of the key headlines and knowledge from RYA Connected.

Come along to network with other clubs and centres and we’ll also have a Q&A, so it will be a chance for you to ask questions and chat about the year ahead.

Next year we’ll reverse the arrangement so we have the main RYA Connected event somewhere central for the RYA North East region, with our club gathering in the North West somewhere in the Cumbria area, and we’ll keep alternating the locations annually.

In the meantime, I’m looking forward to seeing as many clubs as possible represented at our RYA Connected event at Chorley on Saturday 18 November, find out more and register.

Instructor courses

Although it has not been possible to gain enough numbers to run a proposed RYA Senior Instructor course at Tees & Hartlepool YC, the one at Hollingworth Lake –a good location for many of you – has 10 people booked on from across both regions (RYA NE & NW), with only two places left! This course takes place over the first two weekends in November, be quick to sign up if you’re keen.

There are also still some spaces for would-be powerboat instructors with a pre-entry skills assessment day on Saturday 30 September then an RYA Powerboat Instructor Course, 24-26 October, at Scarborough Sea Cadets. Details and booking here.

We’re now planning ahead for next year and if you have a desire to do a particular RYA course, please do fill out our form as that will help us to know what to run for you.

Two instructors sat in blue training dinghies with blue/yellow sails up alongside an orange RIB.

Training day

On the same theme of training, here’s an early note for you about next year’s Regional Training Day, which we’ll be re-formatting into two smaller events for the RYA North East region to make it more local for people and less far to travel.

These practical days will provide an opportunity to get on the water for coaching and development from some of our top trainers for the North, and I’m working really hard to also include an introduction to wingsurfing for those who’d like to give this a go.

These events will take place for the north of the region at Derwent Reservoir SC, and for the south at Welton Waters Adventure Centre. While the dates are still to be confirmed, they will be in late March to help us all get set for the new season.

Planning for winter

As evening racing comes to an end with the shorter days, now is the time for clubs to start thinking ahead to their winter activities and social programme.

If you’re looking for a talk, remember we have Regional Rules Advisors who are available so do reach out to request a talk if you’d like an expert to visit.

Whatever plans you have, remember it’s a really vital time to maintain engagement with members and keep in touch - especially with those who may sail less through the colder months - as this will also support membership renewals in the New Year.

And finally…

I’ve had a really enjoyable time getting out and about in the region and getting to know people, including recent visits to Derwent Reservoir SC and Tees & Hartlepool YC.

I’ll be keeping that going through winter so if you’d like a visit from myself or a member of the regional team, please do fill out our handy request form to get in touch.

That aside, the other key form I’d draw your attention to is the one for submitting your PY returns for 2023. Please do take the time to do this as the more up to date the information that feeds into it, the more accurate the numbers will be for racing next year.

Keep up to date with all the latest announcements by following us @RYANorthEast on Facebook and/or X (formerly known as Twitter).

Until next time, happy sailing!


view over Derwent Reservoir with boat park in the foreground, boats on the water and hills and blue sky as a backdrop.