Nominations open for OnBoard JMST boats and boards partnership

Do you know a young sailor or windsurfer (age 14 or under) at your venue who could benefit from exclusive use of their own boat or board for the next two years?
17 Aug 21
JMST winner gives a thumbs up

Applications are now open for the John Merricks Sailing Trust (JMST) boats and boards scheme which supports young sailors and windsurfers with equipment to get on the water independently.

The boats and boards will be gifted to promising youngsters who display enthusiasm, drive, and commitment to the sport and who may not ordinarily have the opportunity or financial backing to achieve their goals. The range on offer includes: Optimist, Topper, Laser 4.7, RS Tera and Bic Techno 293OD.


After two years of exclusive use of their own boat or board, the equipment is returned to the sailor’s original supporting venue so that other young sailors can continue to benefit from the scheme.

OnBoard Operations Officer, Hannah Cockle explains: “This year we’re asking clubs and centres to identify and nominate youngsters who are deserving and may not otherwise have heard about this award.

“We are hugely grateful to the JMST who continue to make this scheme possible each year. Not only does it have a real impact to the sailor but it’s also really valuable for clubs involved too”.

What the parents say…

“We have integrated the sailing into family holidays and not only has Henry sailed much more at our sailing club, on the Topper southern and national circuit but he has made many new friends.”

“The impact was a major boost to Jonah’s self esteem. With ADHD his confidence can be fragile at times but winning gave him a focus on improving”.

What the clubs say…

“The JMST award scheme had a significant impact on the club and our sailors. It demonstrated that even a small club, with limited resources, can achieve a lot, given the right support.”

Find more information

Eligible sailors must be under 15 years of age on the 31st of December 2021. Sailors would normally compete at the British Youth Sailing Regional Junior Championships in any fleet. 

Find more information about the scheme and how to make a nomination here.

Run by the RYA, OnBoard is a grass roots programme which introduces sailing and windsurfing to young people aged 8 to 18, through schools, youth groups and training centres. The low cost sessions are designed to promote equal access to sailing for young people from all social and economic backgrounds, whilst encouraging their character development.

The JMST is the Official Charity Partner of the RYA and seeks to help young sailors and youth sailing organisations to achieve their goals. The JMST was set up in the memory of 1996 Olympic silver medalist John Merricks.