RYA Northern Ireland will follow the guidelines set by the NorthernIreland Assembly and UK Governments, and the advice provided by Public Health Agency NorthernIreland.
This continues to be a developing situation and RYA Northern Ireland will keep local clubs and centres fully informed of any changes.
All the latest advice from RYA can be found at:https://www.rya.org.uk/newsevents/news/Pages/rya-guidance-coronavirus.aspx
This includes specific advice for Affiliated Clubs and TrainingCentres.
RYA will also update Affiliated Clubs via the RYA Club Room newsletterif and when this advice changes materially. Updates on the situation will also be provided via the RYA Wavelengthnewsletter.
Frequently asked questions
(FAQs)World Health Organisation FAQ’s about Covid-19
RYA Coronavirus FAQs for Affiliated Clubs (PDF)
RYA Training Centre guidance (locked content)
Useful resources
WHO coping with anxiety poster
A4NHS Hand Cleaning Techniques