RYA Sailability has launched a suite of safety resources to provide advice about developing and maintaining safety management systems for on the water activity.
The online resources help support affiliated organisations as they review their own safety management systems and identify good practice and opportunities for improvement.
Support is also offered on a consultancy basis from a competent person, if Sailability groups would like further guidance on the broad range of safety topics covered:
Engagement on safety issues
In addition to launching a safety blog as part of its regular programme of communication and engagement on safety issues, culture and practice, RYA Sailability has also started to deliver refresher days on Safety Boat Skills with a focus on some of the key practical safety issues related to disabled people and the Sailability community.
Coming soon
In the Spring 2022, RYA Sailability will also launch a critical friend service carried out by an advisor who can help organisations identify good practice and opportunities for improvement, as well as facilitating organisations to create an action plan around their safety systems.
A new course for the key people who take overall responsibility for Sailability sessions at RYA affiliated organisations will get also underway at this year’s Sailability conference in February 2022.
Putting safety first
Commenting on the new resources, RYA Sailability Manager Joff McGill said: “Volunteers are the heartbeat of Sailability, with huge numbers of people giving their time to get people on the water, no matter what it takes. We are committed to helping those volunteers ensure safe activity on the water at all times.
“Safety on the water is part of our everyday conversations – these new resources will help support staff and volunteers in managing risk, identifying issues and improving practice.”
To access the online resources, RYA Sailability affiliated organisations simply need to log-in to the Club Zone area of the RYA website.