RYA Cymru Wales Return to Boating Update

Following the Welsh First Minister’s update (Friday 10th July, 2020), RYA Cymru Wales welcomes the lifting of restrictions around outdoor activity.
10 Jul 20

RYA Cymru Wales understands that organised activity up to 30 people can take place outside organised and supervised by a responsible person for sports and other leisure activities and classes.

Social distancing of 2 metres remains in place. We are seeking clarity and guidance around how activities where the 2m distance is not always practical.

In addition, from 11th July overnight stays on boats, if they have all appropriate washing and toilet facilities, is allowed. For guidance on reopening of bars and restaurants from 13th July please click here.

"I'm delighted to see further easing of restrictions. Organised and supervised activity for up to 30 people will have a positive impact on our boating community" said Gerwyn Owen, RYA Cymru Wales CEO. 

Full Welsh Government statement - here

Details of the next Return to Boating Club Development Forum on the 16th July at 7pm please click here