Scottish Club Chat - July 2024

There's lots on the go, from knitting beanie hats in the North, to a new OnBoard venue in the West
10 Jul 24
JHHP sailability sessions

With July now upon us, we're truly in the heart of the busy season afloat. It's been great to see so much activity at clubs right across the country - with lots more in store across the next few months.

June was Pride Month. Well done and thanks to RYA affiliates in Scotland for helping make boating an inclusive activity/sport and creating fun, safe and inclusive spaces for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Gairloch Boat Club has been working hard to raise funds for the RNLI as they celebrate their 200th year of saving lives at sea. Situated in the northwest of Scotland and understanding weather conditions can lead to casualties rapidly losing heat, they thought getting volunteers to knit 200 cosy beanie hats for a minimum £5 donation would be an appropriate fundraiser.

Commodore, Alistair Swift said: “Through the hard work and generosity of club members, the local community, local businesses, and Gairloch Coastal Rowing Club, we managed to hand-knit and crochet a wide variety of styles, colours and sizes. We achieved more than our intended quota of hats and have so far raised over £1200.” Boat Club members are planning (depending on the weather!) to sail from Gairloch to Portree on Skye to present this sizeable cheque to the RNLI.

Solway Yacht Club is an OnBoard venue! Commenting on the successful application RYA OnBoard Manager Hannah Cockle, said: “It’s great to welcome Solway Yacht Club to the OnBoard programme. We look forward to working with them and the local community in the future.”

James Hamilton Heritage Park in East Kilbride hosted a six-week Sailability project during May and June, delivered in partnership with RYA Scotland, South Lanarkshire Disability Sport, and South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture. Eight young people with a range of cognitive and communication challenges came together to learn to sail. Transport was provided and there was no cost to the sailors. The young people gained RYA Accredited qualifications which align with the RYA Stages and will allow them to sail independently at the centre’s Thursday Club sessions going forward.

JHHP sailability sessions

Speaking last month, Theresa Campbell at South Lanarkshire Disability Sport said: "What a great day yesterday. I thought RYA Scotland made it really special for the group... this has been a really successful programme and we need to make sure this is not a one-off for a single group of people".

A comprehensive case study on the project will be shared later in the year with the intent for other clubs and centres to see the potential and to use as a template to create their own programme.

The 2024 RYA Scotland Coach Education Subsidy is open for applications. Our RYAS Coach Education Team say: “RYA Scotland through sportscotland funding have the opportunity to provide subsidy for people completing RYA instructor qualifications in the small boat schemes.  This subsidy is primarily aimed at dinghy and windsurf instructor courses and RCL2 courses however, we would also like to hear from those looking for support in power schemes.  Our priority areas for subsidy are young people (under 26), rural applications and female applicants. We would also welcome applications from individuals or organisations looking to run or participate in these courses that subsidy or support would benefit but who may not fit the above criteria.  Please feel free to contact if you have any queries.”  

Sound good? Apply here.

World Drowning Prevention Day will be held on 25 July. Water Safety Scotland, with their partners, will be hosting an open day at Loch Lomond Shores at Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park from 11AM to 4PM. Plan to attend this fun and informative day with the family.

The 2024 RYA Affiliated Club Membership Census is now open. All clubs should have received a request to provide this valuable information by 11 August. The census is important for the RYA and RYA Scotland to understand the current capacity and health of the nation’s club network, and subsequently, to understand how to best support affiliated clubs by sharing opportunities, successes and challenges faced across the UK. If your club has not received this request, please contact us.

Thanks to all the clubs who have affiliated with the RYA this year. Club treasurers should have received a letter with a certificate and sticker to display at the club. If you have any queries about the new affiliation process, please speak to your RDO.

Save the dates for 2024 Connected Scotland. The conference will be held 2-3 November at a venue to be confirmed soon, in partnership with the RYA Scotland Coaching and Pathways teams. Content will cover a diverse range of topics and interests delivered in interactive sessions, and include ample opportunities to converse with the RYA, RYA Scotland staff and volunteers, as well as your peers in the Scottish boating community.

We want to support your event! RYA Scotland is aiming to provide support to several clubs in running first-time opportunity events such as open days, tasters, or transition days. If you are unsure whether your event fits, please ask us. The support offered will be bespoke based on the request, RYA Scotland’s available resources, and follow-up conversations. This may include some financial support, a coach or instructor, or other tangible assistance. Speak to your RDO or fill in the short form today.

On Course for the Future is RYA Scotland’s new development framework for RYA-affiliated clubs, centres, and associations. The framework is comprised of several guides to help you continue to develop and effectively steer the direction of your organisation. Explore the document yourself or with your fellow leaders; then reach out to your RDO to discuss how and where to get started with it.

Images from Connected Scotland at the Dewars Centre on the 2nd of March 2024

What is happening at your club or centre? Our Development Team is here to support you, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help. But we also want to hear about your successes and even ordinary stuff. Email us ( or tag RYA Scotland on social media or share your newsletters with your RDO. 

We want to see even more deserving people recognised through our RYA Scotland Impact Awards in 2024. Nominations are open year-round for you to put forward those who make a difference to your boating. Whether that’s an inspirational person, team, or organisation – we want to hear from you! Get involved now – your nomination could become cause for celebration! View previous winners on the RYAS YouTube Channel.

Here are a few funding options to consider:

  • Aldi Scottish Sport Fund: applications for Dundee & Tayside from 24 June to 28 July; Fife, Perth & Kinross from 29 July to 1 September

All the best from The Development Team – Laura, Brian, Rhys, Liza & Naseef
