SportNI announces Emergency Hardship Fund for NI sports sector

14 Apr 20

The RYA Northern Ireland welcomes the announcement today (14thApril) from the Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey MLA who has launched a £500,000 Hardship Fund for the sports sector in Northern Ireland. 

Sports clubs and sporting organisations from the voluntaryand community sector, which are unable to receive support from other GovernmentCovid-19 Mitigation Funds, will be able to apply to Sport NI for a smallgrant of £2,000 to help with immediate financial commitments to maintaintheir facilities during the COVID-19 restrictions. 

Affiliated Clubs may be eligible for a grant to help coverfixed costs, which are no longer supported with revenue as a result ofcoronavirus. This might cover expenditure on: 

  • Rent/lease payments
  • Heat &light utilities
  • Rent/Lease
  • Utility costs
  • Essential ground maintenance
  • Insurances (essential buildings/ contents/ public liability insurances, pro rata) 

There is currently no ‘closing date’ and this is operatingon a rolling basis.   

RYANI’s Chief Operating Officer, Richard Honeyford,commented: “We very much welcome this funding in order to help affiliated clubs andorganisations with the ongoing financial obligations during the Coronavirusoutbreak and whilst restrictions remain in place.   

“We have been updating all affiliates in Northern Ireland ondevelopments and will continue to share the latest information and advice withour clubs.  We remain in close contactwith SportNI and other relevant bodies about the issues being faced by clubsduring the current crisis and to ensure they are included in any futureconsiderations. 

“We would encourage all clubs/ organisations to familiarisethemselves with the guidance in order to make any application and to contact usif you are in need of support.”

For full information, including guidance, on the EmergencyFund, please go to:   

The RYA has prepared guidance to assist clubs, classes andrecognised training centres in line with advice from the UK Government andPublic Health Agencies; read more at FAQs for RYA Affiliated Clubs, Classes and RecognisedTraining Centres.