Steve's blog August 2024

Here’s our monthly update from RYA Regional Manager Steve Mitchell.
01 Aug 24
Crawley Mariners bursary awards 2024 boat 739x432

Photo - Three young sailors from Crawley Mariners YC have received RYA bursaries

For ongoing up to date information about what's happening in our region please follow us on Facebook 


The Olympics are in full swing at the time of writing, so please follow the fortunes of the British Sailing Team. You can find how to watch and the sailing schedule here and the latest news on our web site 

skiff racing team gb paris 2024 olympics

Photo - Saskia and Freya in the Skiff on day 4 of the Olympics.

National Schools Sailing Association (NSSA) Regatta 2024

Our region was represented at the recent NSSA National Youth Regatta 2024 at Bassenthwaite Sailing Club by teams from the Kent Schools Sailing Association (KSSA) and Crawley Mariners Yacht Club.

In the ILCA 4 fleet Harry Mitchell from Kent came from behind to win all the final five races and claim the overall victory. Sebastian Robb from Kent took second in the ILCA 6 fleet. In the all comers pursuit race N Morton from Kent finished first, sailing an ILCA 7, with Sebastian Robb in third.

At prize-giving several Rookie fleet sailors were awarded endeavour prizes. Charlie Robb from Kent was the first, for swimming Phelps style after falling out of his Tera and having to give chase.

Thanks to Yachts and Yachting for this report 

Bursaries for Crawley Mariners young sailors

My congratulations to three young sailors from Crawley Mariners YC who were delighted to receive bursaries from the RYA London and South East Youth Training Fund and have enjoyed using them towards their sailing development. 

Crawley Mariners bursary awards 2024 739x432 Photo - Esther, Charlotte and Liam with their awards

Club census

We're getting close to the mid August deadline for the RYA club census. A big thank you to the clubs who have already responded, and a big please to those who are yet to submit their response. The information clubs provide helps us to monitor progress and shape our bids for further resourcing - which allows us to both continue to support clubs and promote boating activities to a wider audience.

RYA Connected Conference 2024

Our regional conference will be held at St Wilfred's Catholic School in Crawley, West Sussex, on Sunday 24 November, and we're inviting clubs, Sailability providers, class associations, charities and club-based training centres to join us again this year for the free informative and inspiring conference and development workshops. Please save the date and read more 

Pathway Clubs

The RYA Sailing Pathway is evolving and  the RYA is on a mission to make junior and youth racing more affordable, accessible and engaging, and to improve the performances of aspiring young British talents. We're looking for more expressions of interest from potential pathway clubs in our region. You can find out more about the review of the pathway, the new pathway, and a link to the expression of interest form here. If you missed the webinar series on the Pathway Evolution you can see recordings at this same link. 

Pathway 739x432

Employing freelance instructors and race coaches

As a club or training centre, it can sometimes be difficult to find enough volunteer instructors or race coaches. One alternative is to pay someone to help meet the demand for courses and coaching. Find out more about the things to consider before doing this.

Views from the Chair

RYA Regional Team Chair Roger Belton writes:

Together on Water: I have recently been inspired to do some research into one of the many facets of the RYA Together on Water strategy. Our sport is full of examples of inspirational volunteers who enthusiastically introduce both adults and youngsters into having fun on the water. Sometimes these heroes bring communities together and create an outcome much greater than the sum of their individual parts.

Across the region there must be many examples of clubs joining together with youth groups such as Scouts, Guides, and Sea Cadets for mutual benefit, but just getting along with what they do without any fuss. I am trying to find examples of these centres of excellence so that we can celebrate their achievements. If you know of such community partnerships, please send me an email 

Olympic heroes: It's easy to focus on the podium and the medals, especially when vital continued funding is directly linked to medal count. But every one of our GB team at Paris 2024 has made huge sacrifice and commitment to just get to the start line as the culmination of many years effort.

Amidst our team I find Hannah Snellgrove a stellar example of aspiration and determination over a 26 year journey just to get the start line. Well done Hannah for everything that you have done to get to play at the peak of your sport. Best wishes as the Regatta unfolds. You are a true Olympic hero. There are few medal winners, but many heroes, often unsung. Let's cheer them all on.

Hannah Snellgrove British Sailing Team

Photo - Hannah Snellgrove credit Nick Dempsey

News round up

Greenwich Yacht Club raises four figure sum for RNLI Tower Lifeboat Station 

Great sailing on the Medway at Swale Regatta 2024 

Introducing Medway and Swale Boating Association 

Share your stories

We're always looking for stories to pop on our web site and send to your local media, and snippets (two or three sentences) to promote your events or show what you've been doing on our social media, with photos (landscape format) and links. Or why not send us a short video (15-100 seconds, landscape format) done in one take on your 'phone to share on our social media. All should have some RYA/regional connection. Other clubs can enjoy your achievements and benefit from your experience. Please send us your story