Steve's blog September 2024

Here’s our monthly update from RYA Regional Manager Steve Mitchell.
03 Sep 24
Shadwell SC 739x432

Photo - evening sailing at Shadwell Sailing Club

For ongoing up to date information about what's happening in our region please follow us on Facebook 

Senior Instructor Courses

The upcoming course at Whitstable is now full, but fear not if you missed it, there's another one on 5-6 and 12-13 October at Queen Mary SC. Please book now

OnBoard Development Day…..

….is on 9 November at Queen Mary SC, so please save the date. It's all about youth and junior development and is open to current and would be OnBoard providers. Read about last year's event to find out the sort of things it involves, including on and off water sessions.

LSE OnBoard Development Day 2023 group 739x432

Water Quality

The RYA formed an alliance with six other sports back in April to promote clean open water. Sara Sutcliffe, RYA CEO said:"This Alliance represents the interests of millions of recreational water users whose experiences are impacted by substandard water quality and pollution every day" 

A position statement will be released and a web page launched very soon which will have links to water quality reporting forms. Details will follow on our Facebook.

Club census

The mid August deadline for the RYA club census has passed but we'll still be pleased to take late submissions from the few clubs which haven't replied yet. A big thank you to those who have.

The information clubs provide helps us to monitor progress and shape our bids for further resourcing, which allows us to both continue to support clubs and promote boating activities to a wider audience. So please encourage your club to respond if it hasn't already.

RYA Connected Conference 2024

I'm pleased to announce that there'll be presentations on club development from Margate Yacht Club, Frensham Pond Sailability, Welsh Harp Sailing Club and Island Barn Reservoir Sailing Club at our regional conference. This is at St Wilfred's Catholic School in Crawley, West Sussex, on Sunday 24 November.

We're inviting clubs, Sailability providers, class associations, charities and club-based training centres to join us for the free informative and inspiring conference and development workshops. This item gives a flavour of what happened at last year's conference.

Please save the date and read more  A booking link will open shortly and be announced on our Facebook.

Biosecurity Award for Newhaven and Seaford Sailing Club

Congratulations to the club which has become the first site in Southeast England to receive an AQUA award for its biosecurity measures. The partnership of organisations is dedicated to reducing the spread and impact of Invasive Non-Native Species on the River Ouse.

Newhaven Aqua award 739x432 

Views from the Chair

RYA Regional Team Chair Roger Belton writes: This photo summarises so much for me: I'm relaxed and enjoying the sea and the company. I'm safe - I'm wearing the right kit for the conditions. I don't feel the need to compete, or get onto the podium. I'm loving life!

And coincidentally, I'm reminded that the RNLI celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. Enjoy the last of the summer sailing!

Chair of LSE regional team

Share your stories

We're always looking for stories to pop on our web site and send to your local media, and snippets (two or three sentences) to promote your events or show what you've been doing on our social media, with photos (landscape format) and links. Or why not send us a short video, 15-100 seconds, landscape format, done in one take on your 'phone to share on our social media. All should have some RYA/regional connection. Other clubs can enjoy your achievements and benefit from your experience. Please send us your story