The British Keelboat League, established in 2016, was introduced with the aim of increasing participation in keelboat racing across the United Kingdom. This is delivered through the concept of concentrated inter-club team sailing, which is highly successful in other parts of Europe and across North America. Sailors compete representing their club in a series of short sprint races against teams from other clubs in their region in a qualifying round of weekend racing. The finest teams from each region then battle it out in a national final to be crowned the British Keelboat League champions.
This approach to racing provides a level playing field for all competitors and breaks down some of the historic barriers to participation in keelboat racing, as boats for the competition (RS21 and Hunter 707) are provided by the British Keelboat League. Throughout the events, sailors will alternate between the fleet of one design small keelboats (crews of 4 or 5 depending on class).
Since its inception just a few years ago, the British Keelboat League, has brought sailors from all different disciplines and professional backgrounds of the sport together. From seasoned offshore ocean fanatics to summer season dinghy racers, CEO’s to college and university students, the British Keelboat League is a truly inclusive opportunity for everyone who loves our sport.
The British Keelboat League is run by the British Keelboat League Association. Click here to find out more information.