Join us on the 6th October 2021 between 18.30 and 20.30 for the RYA OnBoard windsurf conference


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Different departments at the RYA are coming together to host an RYA OnBoard windsurfing conference online. With the recent changes coming to Team 15, along with the release of the new OnBoard windsurfing session cards, this couldn’t come at a better time.

This is a fantastic learning and professional development opportunity for trainers, instructors and volunteers alike.

To kick everything off, we will hear from Professor Bill Lucas as the Keynote Speaker. Professor Bill Lucas is Director of the Centre for Real-World Learning at the University of Winchester. Bill is an internationally acclaimed researcher, a best-selling author and an in-demand speaker. For the last three years he has worked closely with RYA as an adviser. Bill is known internationally as a speaker on the subjects of learning, change, creativity, healthcare improvement and leadership. You can read more about Bill here. 

Hannah Cockle, RYA OnBoard Operations Officer, will then introduce the new windsurf instructor resources. The OnBoard session cards are a resource that aid instructors in the delivery or the RYA Youth Windsurf Scheme, whilst embedding our six character attributes; Teamwork, Communication, Independence, Confidence, Creativity and Determination. The cards are also packed full of games, challenges and different session ideas for both on and off the water. The beginner cards follow RYA Stages 1&2. The new improver cards bridge the gap between Stage 2&3 through regular participation, exploration, and games with aims.

We will then hear from Chris Blackburn from RYA Racing about Team 15 and Tim Cross from RYA Coaching Development. Following which you can hear about the next steps for windsurfing development for organisations up and down the country.

With the recent success and exposure at the Tokyo Olympics, there has never been a better time to celebrate the power of windsurfing.

The conference will be held on Wednesday the 6th October between 18.30-20.20 and is free to join. You can book your space here.