Struggling to login ?

Forgotten your password? Can't remember which email address you registered with? We're here to help.

Reset your password

We all forget our passwords from time to time - which is why we've made changing or resetting your password a simple and painless experience!

I know which email address I registered with

If you know which email address you used when you registered for your RYA website account, resetting your password is a simple four step process:


  1.  Visit the Forgotten your password page
  2.  Enter your email address when prompted
  3.  Check your inbox for an email from the RYA website - you may need to wait for up to 5 minutes, and don't forget to check your junk or spam folders.
  4.  Log in to the RYA website using the new, temporary, password contained within the email. You'll be prompted to change your password once you've logged in.

I can't remember which email address I used, or the website tells me the email address isn't recognised?

If the website tells you your email address isn't recognised, try another email account you have access to. You may have used an old email account, a shared email address or your work one instead.

Try resetting your password with the alternative email addresses, it's the same process as that described above. If you still can't log in to the RYA website, get in touch with our web support team who'll gladly assist you.
You can email the team at

It'll be really helpful if you include your name, last known email address, and your RYA membership or reference number. It'll help us help you quicker!

Other account related support

Connect your membership and qualifications

To get a more personalised experience online, connect your membership & qualifications to your website account

Creating an account

Registering for an account on the RYA website will give you access to restricted areas and services, here's how to set up a new account

Edit your details & manage your data

Through your RYA website account, you can control the data we hold about you - such as your address and email preferences.

Still need help?

If the guides above haven't helped resolve any questions or queries you had, please get in touch with our team. We'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have or settle any concerns.

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