Volunteers often don’t have the time or the money to undertake training. Asking people to give their time to volunteering is difficult enough so, in some circumstances, asking for more time to train to do the job might just be one step too far (Sport England, 2003).
The following scenario will help to explain why money isn’t always an issue:
“We’re a small club –we can’t afford to train our volunteers”
“We have a good volunteer pool but not all volunteers are around at the same time”.
Ensure that facilities are accessible for your disabled volunteers. Think about timing and try to present options to volunteers, think about the suggestions above.
It is important to remember that different clubs will have different barriers to training. Some may be financially stretched, or some may have a large membership so getting people in one place at one time could be an issue. In some circumstances actually getting to the venue may be an obstacle!
Whatever your club’s issues with training, don’t worry, Think about what the possible barriers are and how the club can overcome them.
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Not knowing how to get involved is one of the top reasons members don't volunteer. Use out 7 simple steps to make sure your club is communicating effectively