Member relationships

Our research shows that conflicts between members are a barrier to volunteering. Find out how your committee can lead the way in creating a friendly and inclusive culture

How approachable is your club or class?

Your committee works to be the best committee that you can be……. but do you sometimes feel that your members aren’t on side with you?

If your members feel unable to approach you, it may hide problems and you may not identify issues or miss great ideas for improving your club or class

The good news is that you can break down barriers and build trust by developing:

  1. A positive attitude, is key tip to an enjoyable and comfortable environment. A positive or negative attitude spills over into how your members perceive your club or class which translates into their willingness to volunteer
  2. Be visible and look available – make a determined effort to talk and understand your members
  3. Listen and engage – listen actively to your team members, use your eyes and ears and give them your full attention
  4. Communicate – acknowledge ideas and give credit where it is due. To foster an environment where everyone feels they have a voice make your approach “yes that’s a possibility” rather than “no, that would never work”. Be measured and fair in your response to bad news or ideas that won’t work
  5. Smile - a happy approachable committee member speaks volumes about how volunteering at the club is a satisfying and enjoyable experience

When you take these steps, you’ll breakdown barriers, reduce the distance between your members and your committee and keep lines of communication open

Why not take our quiz?

Ever wondered how approachable your club or class is to those outside your committee? Take our quiz to find out more....

   Never  Rarely  Sometimes  Often
 The negative feedback the committee gives outweighs the positive feedback        
 Our committee regularly walks around the club meeting members for a chat        
 Our committee is a happy bunch        
 When members pitch an idea, the committee provides feedback        
 Our committee makes time to speak to members        
 Our committee is always measured in its response to news, even if it is not good        
 Our committee lets members know when they are around to be met at the club        
 Our committee empathises with members situations and opinions        
 Our committee members don't complain        
 We talk to our members the same, no matter who they are        
 Our club members can get hold of committee members really easily        
 Our club provides a platform for ideas        

12-23   You could work on your approachability. Your committee could be cutting off the flow of information that you receive from your members. This might mean that problems are swept under the carpet, or great ideas aren't being allowed to flourish. You may have to make some fundamental changes, but don't worry, there are plenty of simple ways to get started and boost your approachability

24 - 36 You are in a great position to improve. You can be approachable, so problems may come to you before they get serious. However, your members may also be put off telling you when something's up, because they're worried about your reaction. Take a closer look at your results and focus most on where your score is low. You may find that a simple change to the way that you manage will make a huge difference

37-48   Well done! Your committee is approachable, which means that your members feel happy coming to you when they have a problem or an idea. This is because your reaction to bad news is measured and calm, and you treat ideas with relish and positivity. As a result, crises develop far less often than they would do under a more unapproachable committee, and your organisation benefits from the ideas culture that your welcoming attitude has fostered. However, there is always room for improvement!