Recognising volunteers


Most volunteers want to be recognised for their efforts. Lack of recognition can lead to demotivation and reluctance to offer to help out on other occasions. Give recognition frequently, use a variety of methods, 

  • Thank you cards, old fashioned they may be, but don't underestimate their impact
  • Write articles for club newsletters
  • Just say thank you
  • Ask them for their opinions
  • Trophies
  • Certificates
  • Nominate them as volunteer of the month Make sure the right person is recognised
  • Recognition should be given to the person, not the work
  • Focus on their achievements
  • Focus on the volunteers development
  • Focus on the importance of the volunteers contribution to the club Recognition must be timely
  • Don't wait until the end of the year to show your appreciation
  • Build recognition into club life 
RYA Awards

Why not nominate your most dedicated volunteers for an RYA Award?

Public volunteer awards

Why not nominate your club or volunteers for one of the public awards?