Volunteering survey questions

Use our questions and quiz to find out how to improve the volunteering experience at your club and increase the number and happiness of your volunteers
Club volunteer survey for electronic use

Use our questions to find our what your volunteers think

Club volunteer survey for print (black & white)

Use our questions to find our what your volunteers think

Club volunteer survey for print (colour)

Use our questions to find our what your volunteers think

Volunteer management question for print (black & white)

Designed specifically for committee use in printer friendly format

Volunteer management question for print (colour)

Designed specifically for committee use

Volunteer management questions for electronic use

Designed specifically for committee use



Points Impact 
 0-6  May need a plan to get your volunteering message out there
 7-12  Some great initiatives but needs developing
 13-18  Well done - keep going so your volunteering stay top of the agenda