Since 2024, we have been asking all new and existing affiliates to let us know who they are delivering activity for and the policies and procedures they have in place to support this. As a result of this information, we have been able to evolve a programme of support for our Affiliates and their volunteers.
We know our affiliates are already working hard to create safe and welcoming environments for new and existing members. However, there are now greater expectations placed on national governing bodies and sports providers, including our Affiliates from regulatory and funding bodies, as well as participants, to ensure that correct procedures are in place.
We want to help you in continuing to deliver the fantastic work you do, whilst being prepared to act appropriately if things do go wrong. We are asking all affiliates to answer some simple questions, on an annual basis, to ensure we are connected with the right people at your organisation, understand the level and type of activity you deliver, as well as the processes you have in place to co-ordinate this activity and to support the people involved.
We will use the information provided to update our records and focus the work we are doing on a national and local basis to get more people sailing and boating, in safe environments, more often.
A wealth of resources relating to the topics covered in the questions can be found on the RYA website and through the new RYA Affiliation Portal. Following on from the RYA Connected Conferences, we will also be hosting a series of ongoing webinars and workshops covering these topics in more detail.
The portal allows organisations to access their affiliation information, store relevant documents and update essential details such as contact information, helping us better understand who to contact and work with in your organisation so we can better support you.
The main registered contact for your affiliated organisation will have received an email with registration details for the RYA Affiliation Portal. Once they have accessed the portal, they will also be able to grant permission for other key contacts at your organisation to log in.
If your organisation delivers racing activity, you will also be asked an additional question: