find out about Requirements of RYA affiliation 

Process of RYA affiliation

The RYA affiliation criteria is changing

From the next affiliation cycle in April 2024, we are asking all new and existing affiliates to commit to working towards a revised affiliation criteria for 2025.

The changes in the criteria will include actions relating to safeguarding, health and safety and inclusion.

What does my affiliated organisation need to do? 

If you haven't already, please make sure to log on to the new RYA Affiliation Portal and answer the two simple sets of questions.

people sailing next to a club
two people walking on a dock
two kids wearing life preservers waiting to go sailing 

Why are we making these changes?

We know our affiliates are already working hard to create safe and welcoming environments for new and existing members. However, there are now greater expectations placed on national governing bodies and sports providers from regulatory and funding bodies, as well as participants, to ensure that correct procedures are in place.

We want to continue to support our affiliates, identify where more resource may be needed and make it even easier for people to find safe places to enjoy being on the water.

What does this mean for my organisation?

We want to help you in continuing to deliver the fantastic work you do, whilst being prepared to act appropriately if things do go wrong. Recognising no one affiliate is the same, the RYA is here to support you.

As part of the 2024-2025 affiliation renewal process, we are asking all affiliates to answer some simple questions to ensure we are connected with the right people at your organisation, understand the level and type of activity you deliver, as well as the processes you have in place to co-ordinate this activity and to support the people involved.

RYA affiliation process infographic 2024

We will use the information provided to update our records and focus the work we are doing on a national and local basis to get more people sailing and boating, in safe environments, more often.

A wealth of resources relating to the topics covered in the questions can be found on the RYA website and through the new RYA Affiliation Portal. Following on from the RYA Connected Conferences, we will also be hosting a series of ongoing webinars and workshops covering these topics in more detail.

RYA Affiliation Portal

To support you, we have launched the new RYA Affiliation Portal for organisations to access their affiliation information, store relevant documents and update essential details such as contact information.

The main registered contact for your affiliated organisation will have received an email with registration details for the new RYA Affiliation Portal in January 2024. Once your main contact has registered on the portal, they will also be able to grant permission for other key contacts at your affiliate to log in and access your profile.

Please do not try and log in unless you have received an email with registration details.


Benefits of affiliation 

How can RYA affiliation benefit your club or organisation?  

Re-affiliation in 5 steps

If you are registered as the main contact for your affiliate and have received registration details for the RYA Affiliation Portal, you can log into your affiliate’s profile and reset the password. 


Complete the online form asking two sets of questions. The first will relate to the type of activity undertaken at your organisation. The second set will be the following questions:  
  • Is there a nominated individual(s) responsible for the welfare and well-being of members and participants? 
  • Is there an in-date Adult and/or Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedure in place and in use? 
  • Do you carry out Criminal Records Disclosure Checks for staff and volunteers in regulated activity? 
  • Do you have Safety Management Systems in place to coordinate and oversee affiliate delivered activities? 
  • Do you have an Equality Policy in place and in use? 
  • Do you have a complaint handling process in place? 

If your organisation delivers racing activity, you will also be asked an additional question:

  • Are you aware of your anti-doping responsibilities in line with the RYA Sail Clean Strategy?
Once your form has been submitted, you will then need to complete the process to check out. You will not be charged but a notification will be sent to the RYA that the form has been completed. An invoice will be issued as per the previous invoicing process.


A copy of your form will be held in the Affiliation Portal which you will be able to refer to at any time. The areas in the new criteria are not required to be met until April 2025. 


You can find links to the resources to help your affiliate implement the changes by logging into the Portal and visiting the Club Affiliation tab.  


Useful resources

a father and son preparing a sailing dinghy to go out on a sunny day

User guide

Videos, tips and information to help you use the new portal

a class of young sailors wearing helmets and life jackets listening to an instructor


All your questions answered about what’s changing and why

two people on a small sailing dinghy on the open sea

Club Zone

Further resources to help your club or affiliated organisation