RYANI is committed to ensuring that everyone who take part in the sport should be able to do so in an enjoyable and safe environment, which promotes inclusion and protects from harm, bullying and abuse.
RYANI and RYA strongly recommends that all clubs with members or participants aged under 18 adopt a safeguarding policy and some straightforward supporting procedures, and make all members aware of them. All RYA Recognised Training Centres Offering training to under-18s are required to have a safeguarding policy and procedures in place. Clubs are advised to ensure that a safeguarding policy is adopted by the club as a whole, not just the Training Centre or the Sailability group, and that all members are aware of it.
RYA Safeguarding Children Template policy
The essential points to be covered are:
Guidance and additional resources can be found on the above on the RYA Safeguarding pages.
For further details or if you have any concerns, please contact Katie Loucaides, RYA Safeguarding and Equality Manager: safeguarding@rya.org.uk or tel:023 80604104 or Gayle Logan on dsco.ryani@gmail.com tel: 028 91827154
Access NI
RYA acts as the umbrella body for clubs in Northern Ireland for the processing of Access NI checks. For further information contact disclosure@rya.org.uk or telephone 023 8060 4226
What to do if you are concerned
If you are a young person and you are worried about the way another young person or an adult is treating you or someone else, you can talk to the Welfare Officer for your club, class or training centre or at the event. Their name and contact details should be on their notice board or website.
RYA Safeguarding Team, tel. 023 8060 4226, safeguarding@rya.org.uk or dsco.ryani@gmail.com or telephone Gayle Logan on 028 9182 7154
If you would prefer to talk to someone else, you can contact these free confidential services:
Childline, tel.0800 1111, lines open 9.00 am until midnight, or www.childline.org.uk
If you are an adult with a concern about a child, contact your organisation's Welfare Officer, or:
RYA Safeguarding Team, tel. 023 8060 4226, safeguarding@rya.org.uk or dsco.ryani@gmail.com or telephone Gayle Logan on 028 9182 7154
NSPCC helpline,tel. 0808 800 5000, lines open 8.00 am - 10.00 pm Monday - Friday and 9.00 am -6.00 pm at weekends, or e-mail help@nspcc.org.uk any time, or information available at www.nspcc.org.uk
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
RYA Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy Template
Other useful links:
Kidscape (dealing with bullying), www.kidscape.org.uk
Staying safeonline www.thinkuknow.co.uk
Mental health and wellbeing www.youngminds.org.uk or www.inspirewellbeing.org
Ann Craft Trust www.anncrafttrust.org