The RYA's Environmental Policy and Sustainability Strategy. Plus our commitments to the UN Global Compact and other initiatives.
Best practice anchoring and mooring techniques and links to a Natural England seagrass project where the RYA is a key partner.
Electric boating is the future! Useful links to articles, suppliers and case studies.
Find out more on how the RYA supports members and affiliates with planning and licensing issues, and how we respond to marine licence applications.
Best practice and actions to prevent the spread of invasive species.
Environmental and Planning related guidance notes and RYA position papers.
RYA forms an alliance with six other sports to promote clean open water
The Green Blue is the joint environmental awareness programme created by the Royal Yachting Association and British Marine, with the aim to inspire sustainable recreational boating for cleaner, healthier waters!
Find out more on environmental issues, best sustainable boating practice and access a range of awareness raising resources.