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You're at the heart of our work


From offering people from all backgrounds the opportunities to get afloat, to campaigning on the critical boating issues that matter to you, as an RYA member, you’re at the very heart of our work.

Thanks to your support this year...

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62,000 children experienced sailing

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33,690 people joined their local sailing club

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1,600 people with disabilities got afloat each month

We inspired people from all backgrounds to experience the benefits of being on the water:

  • 62,000 children from across the UK had their first experience of sailing with OnBoard.
  • More than 33,000 people became members of local clubs, nearly 40% above the pre-pandemic average.
  • 1,600 people with disabilities got afloat with Sailability each month.
  • Around 270,000 people across the globe have taken an RYA Training qualification.
  • Over 1,500 youth and junior sailors attended British Youth Sailing events including the Youth Nationals.

We protected our playground and promoted positive action:

Each year on your behalf...

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We influence government and policy makers using the power of our 100,000+ members

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We connect more people than ever with their local blue space

Lady smiling

We campaign for the protection of safe, clean and beautiful waters for future generations

A RYA member holding a sail

We protect your access to the places you love

More about membership

Get more from your membership with advice when you need it most, exclusive offers, discounts and more…

Celebrating your stories

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Meet powerboating enthusiast Abdul

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Young windsurfers

Meet the four youngsters making waves in windsurfing

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Meet Mark and find out what inspired him to start his own sailing adventure