Can you help us navigate the future of sailing and boating in NI

With the launch of our new ‘Navigating the Future’ strategic plan in March 2023 it is an exciting time for sailing, boating and windsurfing in Northern Ireland.
30 Jun 23
Members of the Board and CEO of RYANI.  From left to right: Roy Totten, Susan McKnight (Chair), Peter Kennedy, Liz Baker, David Williams, Jill Heron and Greg Yarnall (CEO)

The sport has seen increasing levels of club membership and participation in recent years. With the appreciation of being outdoors growing, we want to ensure the sport is well positioned to appeal to a wider range of audiences, enabling more people to enjoy being on or around the water. We are inviting applications to the Board Sub-Committees that range from performance, to finance, to cruising and environment and we encourage everyone to take a look to see how you could contribute.

Susan McKnight, RYA NI Chair commented:

“We have recently undergone some changes to the organisations Sub-Committees and are inviting applications for roles across all these committees. The sub-committees will be our eyes and ears on the ground and having the right people, who are passionate about the sport of sailing and boating, will be vital for the sport to develop and be successful in the future. If contributing to the development of the sport interests you, please get in touch, most people have more to offer than they realise, and we do not want people to be put off by thinking these committees are for the elite few or that you must have been involved for years and years to contribute. We look forward to speaking to you.”

With one of our strategic aims being focused on improving diversity, we are keen to hear from people of all backgrounds and communities and in line with the organisations ambitions to work towards gender parity, we would ideally like to see a 50/50 male/female split of applications.

You can find more information in our Sub Committees Engagement Pack 

Please click here for the Sub Committee application form

The closing date for applications is Monday 4th September 2023 and should be returned to

To read Navigating the Future please click here