Courses & Training

Courses & Training

Courses & Training

Offering courses to your members is a great way to grow their confidence and help to get them engaged in your club's activities, not just on the water, but socially too.

Many clubs have gained their RYA Training Centre status in order to teach new members to sail and to provide skills training for their existing members.

Thinking of running a Recognised Training Centre?

For more information on becoming a Recognised Training Centre, please contact our recognition team 

ICC and CEVNI Test Centres

The International Certificate if Competence is issued in conformity with Resolution No. 40 of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport.

The ICC is required by many European countries for certain categories of pleasure boat. It is also useful in countries where compulsory certificates are required of nationals simply because officials expect to see such a certificate. See 'Boating Abroad' for further details.

Applicants requiring a certificate valid for inland waters must pass a written test on the CEVNI rules (European Inland Waterways Regulations). This is a multiple choice test based on the rules laid out in the book European Waterways Regulations (order code G17).

Who can run tests for the ICC and CEVNI?

RYA recognised training centres and affiliated clubs can run ICC and CEVNI tests, but must first read and comply with the conditions in the Guidance Notes for ICC Test Centres below. Some organisations and testers may need to apply to the RYA prior to offering these tests.

Useful links 

RYA Regional Instructor Training Days

The aim of the Regional Instructor Training Days is to update and provide workshops of interest to Dinghy, Windsurfing, Powerboat and PWC Instructors.

The days also include regional updates from your Regional Development Officer, an RYA National Chief Instructor and the RYA Training Department.

This is an interactive and fun day designed specifically for RYA Instructors and RYA Centre Inspectors.

Disability Awareness Training

If you would like to find out more about Disability Awareness Training or book a space on a course, click on the link below.